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Friday 21 August 2015

Top 5 Brains Manipulated Ways

Seth Shostak said that - When it comes to brains, size matters. It's not all that matters, of course. Whales and dolphins have brains that are larger than humans', but few of the flippered and fluked set win tenure at Stanford. Our brains are the largest in proportion to body size, and they're also highly sophisticated.

But we can be manipulate our brains by several methods , so today i will share 5 Fascinating Ways that Can Be Manipulated, Our Brains......

5, McGurk effect

Well, McGurk effect was first described in 1976 in a paper by Harry McGurk and John MacDonald titled "Hearing Lips and Seeing Voices".It is a perceptual phenomenon that demonstrates an interaction between hearing and vision in speech perception and The illusion occurs when the auditory component of one sound is paired with the visual component of another sound, leading to the perception of a third sound.

The visual information a person gets from seeing a person speak changes the way they hear the sound.People who are used to watching dubbed movies may be among people who are not susceptible to the McGurk effect because they have, to some extent, learned to ignore the information they are getting from the mouths of the "speakers".If a person is getting poor quality auditory information but good quality visual information, they may be more likely to experience the McGurk effect.Integration abilities for audio and visual information may also influence whether a person will experience the effect.

People who are better at sensory integration have been shown to be more susceptible to the effect.Many people are affected differently by the McGurk effect based on many factors, including brain damage and other disorders. WiKiPedia

4, The Compassion Pill

The Compassion Pill now can be prefer as a stress-blocking drug that increases empathy, the ability to feel another's pain, a study has found..

Dr Jeffrey Mogil, from McGill University in Canada, is a study leader said that -

--- The Research found that stress can sap the caring instincts of humans.
--- The study may explain acts of cruelty committed in the heat of conflict.
--- Metyrapone blocked stress hormone and increased ability to empathise.

3, The Brain Decoder

The Scientists develop a brain decoder that can hear your inner thoughts.The Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have invented a brain decoder device that’s able to work out what you’re thinking based on neuron activity inside the brain...WOW

2, The Invisible Body Illusion

The Scientists gave people the illusion of having an invisible body by having them view empty space where their body should be, and stroking them with one paintbrush while stroking the air with another.

1, The Brainwriter

Inspired by the progression of Tempt's ALS, the Brainwriter is a next-gen device that allows the user to draw using only their thoughts....

Well, The Brainwriter will enable people suffering from any kind of neuromuscular syndrome to continue to write.They draw as their condition worsens, and is inspired by the life of urban graffiti artist Tempt One for whom The EyeWriter was developed. As Tempt’s ALS progresses, he’s lost the ability to fast-blink, the binary switch that engages and disengages The Eyewriter mouse. With the loss of this muscular function, we needed to come up with a way for Tempt to continue to speak with his family and express himself through his art. He’d been underwater for 10 years before the Eyewriter, we had to find a way to keep him afloat.

Hope You Like this post, pls share your points of view on this topic.....HAvE A NicE DaY.........


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